
Lifestyle Medicine/Diabetes Service

Last updated on 19th-Jan-2024

Current status: This service has has a 3-month wait list as of the 22nd March 2024.

🌐 Summary

Lifestyle Medicine Service

This service offers one-to-one or group coaching, addressing each pillar of lifestyle medicine (plant-based eating, good sleep, stress management, physical activity, positive social connection and avoidance of risky substances/behaviours). Coaches support people to take pro-active steps to improve the way that they manage their physical and mental health conditions, depending on what’s important to them. These sessions are patient-led, empowering and supporting patients to achieve their own health and wellbeing goals. The goal is to increase confidence and self-reliance.

Diabetes Lifestyle Medicine Service

The diabetes service offers one-to-one consultations with a nutritional coach. They also provide group consultations, again focused on the pillars, but tailored specifically to those with metabolic dysfunction.

Opening hours

Mon-Wed, Fri: 09:00-19:00

Thurs: 09:00-18:00

Referral criteria
  • Aged 18+
  • Stable mental health (i.e., not in a mental health crisis/psychosis/mania)
  • Registered with a GP practice within NL PCN

Additional criteria for diabetes service:

  • HbA1c over 41
How to refer

What this service does

  • Offer 6 sessions of one-to-one or group coaching
  • Offer follow-up as needed (around 3 months)
  • Empowers and supports patients to take pro-active steps to achieve their own health and wellbeing goals

What this services does not do

  • Treat patients with unstable mental health (e.g. psychosis or dementia)
  • Provide therapy
Contact Details

☎️ 020 3747 0560

✉️ selicb.lifestylemedicine@nhs.net