
Mulberry Hub

Last updated on 29-Nov-23

Current status: This service is running with short (1-4 weeks) wait times as of 24th November 2023.

🌐 Summary

The Mulberry Hub provides a safe space for young people to speak to a healthcare professional (GP, mental health practitioner and/or youth worker) about their mental, physical or sexual health.

Opening hours/capacity

Mondays and Wednesdays, from 16:00-19:00

Referral criteria

13-25 years old

Live in Lewisham (New Cross and Deptford area)

How to refer
  • For healthcare professionals: NLPCN SPA form
  • For patients:

What this service does

  • Holistic GP health assessment/follow-up for 13-25 year-olds
  • Supports mental health primarily, but also co-existent physical and sexual health needs (inc. POCT HIV testing)
  • Provides brief psychological support (6-12 sessions) and school/multiagency liaison, parental psychoeducation
  • Prescribing of psychotropic medication with support from consultant MDT where required
  • Escalation in to SLAM services where appropriate

What this services does not do

  • Provide crisis intervention
  • Provide long-term therapy for complex cases (e.g., PTSD)
  • Diagnose ADHD or ASD
Contact Details

☎️ 020 8167 6285

✉️ selicb.nlpcn-mulberryhub@nhs.net

🏠 The Mulberry Hub (Inside Metro Charity Premises), 15 Amersham Vale, New Cross, SE14 6LE