
Pure Physio MSK

Last updated on 6-Dec-23

Current status: This service is running with short (av. 5-7 days) wait times as of the 6th of December 2023.

🌐 Summary

First Contact Physiotherapy (FCP) should be the first choice for patients with musculoskeletal (MSK) problems, as an alternative to seeing a GP. They aim to provide early access to specialist knowledge and assessment, and screening for more serious conditions which are not MSK-related. It is not a course of physiotherapy. They can refer on to physiotherapy, orthopaedics and rheumatology if needed.

Opening hours/capacity

For F2F appointments:

Mon-Thurs, 09:00-17:00

For remote appointments:

Mon, 08:30-17:50. Tues-Thurs, 09:00-18:00. Fri, 10:00-15:30.

Referral criteria

Any patients ages 16+ with MSK pain

How to refer

Book via cross-organisational slot:

NL PCN Physio First Remote

NL PCN Physio First F2F

βœ… What this service does

  • Provide a first point of contact for patients with MSK issues
  • Assess and diagnose MSK issues
  • Provide education and self-management advice for patients
  • Give onward referrals to secondary care services where needed

❌ What this services does not do

  • Treat acutely unwell people (including mental health crises)
  • See people under 16 years old
  • Prescribe medication
  • Act as a secondary care physiotherapy service
  • Visit housebound patients
Contact us

☎️ 020 3404 6693

βœ‰οΈ fcp@purephysiotherapy.co.uk

🏠 The Waldron Centre, Suite 1, Ground Floor, Amersham Vale, SE14 6LD
