❗AccuRX ICB Contract
AccuRX has been awarded the ICB contract for 2 years.
For feedback and queries, email bianca.matthias@nhs.net.
❗PCN Capacity & Access Improvement
All staff should encourage all patients to complete the Patient Satisfaction Survey (access via QR code below⬇️):
Staff should also review our Nov-23 GPAD comments.
Email ashley.oshaughnessy@selondonics.nhs.uk or any other member of the SEL ICB with queries.
❗PCN Capacity & Access Improvement
Encourage all patients to complete the Patient Satisfaction Survey, and review our Nov-23 GPAD comments here. This is crucial to our year end assessment.
❗PCMHT Referrals
From the 5th-Feb-2024, please refer to PCMHTs in the Lewisham Directorate by emailing the form below to slm-tr.Lewishampcmhtn1@nhs.net.
A new SLaM referral system will replace this in mid-end April 2024.
For queries, call 07969 587490 or email jean.lawlor@slam.nhs.uk or james.nilsen-clarke@slam.nhs.uk
❗National HIV Testing Week
During National HIV Testing Week (5-11th February), we are offering Lewisham residents (16+) HIV screens with their serology test. HIV test prompts will appear when accessing TQuest. This is an opt-out service. Promotional posters (‘GP Posters’) are attached below.
If patients are diagnosed with HIV after testing, refer to SEL Specialist HIV Services using the form below⬇️
For general queries, email Michael.Keary@lewisham.gov.uk
❗National MMR Vaccination Reminders
Throughout February and March 2024, national MMR vaccination reminders will be sent to parents/guardians of children aged 6-11. Staff should prepare to receive enquiries from these patients.
Please also note that Enhanced Access appointments are available for MMR vaccinations.
❗Synnovis Cyber Attack
The cyber attack on Synnovis has significantly impacted operations. Blood tests, swabs or urine samples should not be booked until further notice, but we can now accept smear appointments.
For more information, click here or contact us directly.