
Social Prescribing

Last updated on [02-Jan-24]

Current status: This service is running with medium (2-3 weeks) wait times as of the 2nd of January 2024. Urgent patients will be seen more quickly.

🌐 Summary

Social Prescribing supports patients with non-medical needs, such as financial hardship, loneliness, social isolation, anxiety, and low mood. Social prescribers support patients by encouraging them to adopt a holistic view of their life, and make positive change.

Opening hours/capacity

Mon-Fri, 09:00-17:00

Referral criteria

Anyone who requires support with housing, benefits, employment, local clubs, and/or isolation

How to refer

Via the Joy platform on EMIS

βœ… What this service does

  • Support patients whose health is impacted by the social determinants of health
  • Identify areas where patients would like to make positive changes, and signpost, refer and support them to make these changes.
  • Co-produce a personalised support plan with the patient. The plan is based on the patients’ goals, and will include details on how they can achieve them and their progress.
  • Offer a short-term service (8-12 weeks) which encourages patients to engage with local community support structures

❌ What this services does not do

Contact us

πŸ’» Contact via the Joy application on EMIS
